Author: Anonymous Catholic

  • Moving Forward With Discernment

    Lately I’ve felt drawn to two different vocations: marriage and the priesthood. My attraction to both of these vocations has only grown as I have healed from same-sex attraction and as I have grown in my relationship with the Lord. At the same time, I’ve been wondering when it would be appropriate, given my history…

  • “The Opposite of Homosexuality Isn’t Heterosexuality. It’s Holiness.”

    The quote that I used for the title of this blog entry was made by Alan Chambers, the president of Exodus International and the author of the book “Leaving Homosexuality: A Practical Guide for Men and Women Looking for a Way Out.” When I first started dealing with my issues with same-sex attraction, my primary…

  • More Thoughts on the Cross

    I was at Eucharistic adoration tonight, and I thought of something that I wanted to add to what I wrote this afternoon. I wrote earlier that I need to man up and fight the temptations that God has given me so that I can be purged of this attachment that I have to masturbation and…

  • Unbound: Freedom in Christ

    I recently attended the Unbound Conference that was given by Neal and Janet Lozano (pictured). The conference was all about overcoming sins that have a hold over our lives. It was a really powerful experience. During the conference I came to see that I believe a lot of lies about myself, namely that I am…

  • A Bishop’s Disappointing Reaction

    I must say that I’m a bit disappointed with Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio’s response to the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in New York state. Here is an excerpt: “I have asked all Catholic schools to refuse any distinction or honors bestowed upon them this year by the governor or any member of the legislature who…

  • Back to Therapy

    I’ve decided to go back to therapy after a six month hiatus. I’m going to be seeing a different therapist than I was seeing the last time. My new therapist was referred to me by my spiritual director, and apparently he has had some success in helping men and women deal with same-sex attraction. I’m…

  • Good Couple of Weeks

    The last several weeks have been fairly good for me. About two weeks ago, I went to confession to confess my last fall into masturbation and pornography. It was probably one of the best confessions that I’ve had for a long time. The priest really took the time to talk to me about my sins, and…

  • Today has been a difficult day for me. I recently got another computer, and before I could put a filter on it I used it to look at pornography. The struggle continues. Usually after I fall into sins of unchastity, I try to figure out what pushed me over the edge. In the past it’s…

  • A Reminder of Just How Much I Need God

    I learned a very important lesson on Monday about just how much I need God in my life. Earlier in the day, I had fallen into the sin of masturbation because I was feeling kind of insecure about myself. I began experiencing these feelings of insecurity after spending some time over the weekend with a…

  • Cultivating Joy

    I was reflecting the other day on why I have done little to resist the temptation to fall into sexual sin, and I came to the conclusion that one reason may be that I am not doing enough to cultivate joy in my heart. My relationship with God has grown so cold, so sterile, and…