Author: Anonymous Catholic

  • “For the Lord Your God is Bringing You Into a Good Country… Where You Will Lack Nothing” (Dt 8: 7, 9)

    Yesterday, during a meeting with a group from my parish, we were given this reading from Deuteronomy to meditate on: “Remember how for forty years now the Lord, your God, has directed all your journeying in the desert, so as to test you by affliction and find out whether or not it was your intention…

  • Prayers Needed on Upcoming Same-Sex “Marriage” Ballot Initiative in Maine

    This Tuesday is Election Day, and voters in Maine will be Question 1, which deals with the same-sex “marriage” law signed by Gov. John Baldacci in May. If approved, Question 1 will overturn that law; if it fails, the law will remain on the books. Please pray that the voters of Maine will vote to…

  • Trials and Tribulations

    This week has been a very difficult one for me. The problems actually started last week, before I went on my retreat. As I mentioned in my previous post, I was feeling a bit scared because I thought that God was calling me to a life that is very radically different than the one I…

  • An Eye-Opening Weekend

    This weekend I went on a silent retreat at a local abbey. I was expecting it to be a guided retreat, with talks and reflections and things like that, but I was surprised to find out when I arrived that it would be an unguided retreat. At first I was a bit disappointed, but when…

  • Does the Catholic Church Hate Gays?

    As I have followed the national debate over whether those with homosexual attractions should be allowed to enter into same-sex “marriages,” I have heard gay activists explicitly say or imply that the Catholic Church hates homosexuals. Take for example David Bohnett, the founder of an organization that aims to improve “society through social activism,” who…

  • “Teacher, We Want You to Do for Us Whatever We Ask of You (Mk 10:35)”

    I was really struck by this first line of today’s gospel reading. It made me think about how many times I have asked God for something and expected Him to give it to me simply because I asked for it, without giving much thought to whether the thing that I was asking for was something…

  • Abortion and Healthcare Reform

    So it seems that despite assurances from some in Congress, some of the healthcare reform bills that are currently being considered WOULD allow for federal funds to be used for abortions. That’s what the pro-life group Americans United for Life and several others are saying anyway. Here is a link to the AUL’s video about…

  • Coming Into the Light: My Conversion Story

    For some time now, I’ve been looking for a platform to discuss the experiences I’ve had in leaving the homosexual lifestyle. I feel compelled to do this because I’m very disturbed about what’s taking place in our society. Several states have “redefined” marriage, as if we could do such a thing. Meanwhile, those who speak…