Category: Conversion
Repent and Believe in the Gospel
Today is Ash Wednesday, the day in which we receive ashes on our foreheads and are told by the Church to “repent and believe in the Gospel.” In addition to being told by the priest to “repent and believe in the Gospel” as he makes the sign of the Cross on our foreheads with ashes,…
The Horror of Sin
So last night my loneliness got the better of me, and I fell into masturbation and pornography. I really wish that I could learn that my sexuality is not to be used as a drug to alleviate any kind of negative feelings I may be having, including loneliness. But it’s just not sinking in fast…
Some Thoughts About Vocations
For the past month or so, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what my vocation may or may not be. Actually, my discernment started several years ago, shortly after my confirmation. It all began with a pretty powerful experience at Eucharistic adoration and confession one night. It was the first time that I…
Coming Into the Light: My Conversion Story
For some time now, I’ve been looking for a platform to discuss the experiences I’ve had in leaving the homosexual lifestyle. I feel compelled to do this because I’m very disturbed about what’s taking place in our society. Several states have “redefined” marriage, as if we could do such a thing. Meanwhile, those who speak…