Author: Anonymous Catholic

  • Repent, and believe in the Gospel

    “Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” These were the words the minister said to me when she traced the cross on my forehead with ashes. When I got back to my seat, I thought about what these words mean to me. I do repent. I repent from masturbation, pornography, homosexuality, and lust. I’ve seen recently…

  • Glorify God in your body

    In today’s second reading, we’re admonished by St. Paul to glorify God in our bodies. What does this mean? For me, as a man with same-sex attractions, it means living a life of chastity by abstaining from sexual sin. It means giving up illicit sexual pleasures that I will never find happiness in and striving…

  • Welcome to my new blog!

    I’ve recently made the move from my old Blogger site to WordPress! I’m really excited about this change and what it will mean for sharing my story with the world. More content will be coming soon! Stay tuned!

  • “My Vocation is Love”

      Right now I’m reading “The Story of a Soul” for spiritual reading. It’s about St. Therese of Lisieux, a young woman who lived in France in the late 19th century and became a Carmelite nun at the age of 15. She died from tuberculosis at the age of 24, and was declared a doctor…

  • Back to Blogging

    Over the last couple of weeks, it has been on my heart to start posting to this blog more. I have practically forgotten about this blog over about the last year and a half or so, as life has kept me too busy to take the time to write out a post. But I think…

  • God’s Love

    Today I had a very interesting insight into some of the feelings that I havebeen experiencing lately. Over the past couple of months I’ve been strugglingwith feelings that I assumed stemmed from loneliness. I’ve had what has at timesbeen a very strong longing for companionship, particularly with other men. Butrecently I’ve noticed that this feeling…

  • Today I felt a general sense of longing for another man several times at the gym, in the shower afterward, and various other times during the day. I know that in the past my same-sex attractions (SSA) have been driven by a perceived lack of masculinity on my part as well as a desire for…

  • Today has been a bit more difficult than the past few days. The reason why is because my sexual temptations are increasing. As the temptations grow, I feel a growing amount of tension that I am usually prone to release through masturbation. But I will not be doing that anymore, Lord. I want to be…

  • Today was a good day. I spent a few hours with some friends having lunch. I’m really thankful to God that I have a pretty good group of friends to spend time with. But I still feel a sense of longing and loneliness at times. I felt it last night at the New Year’s Eve…

  • A Prayer of Repentance

    Lord God, I am sorry for falling into unchastity today. I’m sorry for not being prayerful enough during times of temptation. I’m sorry for entertaining sexual fantasies about other men and lusting after them. I know this is wrong. These men are my brothers in Christ, not potential lovers. I know that you’ve called me…