Author: Anonymous Catholic
A Victory in the Fight to Preserve the Sanctity of Marriage, But More Battles on the Horizon
Earlier today, the New York state Senate voted 38-24 against legalizing gay marriages. Read the Christian Science Monitor’s story here. Unfortunately, this comes on the heels of the District of Columbia’s 11-2 vote on Dec. 1 for a bill that will legalize same-sex marriages in our nation’s capital. Read the Washington Times’ story here. The…
Fighting Temptations
As I was reading through the Gospel According to St. Matthew recently, I came across the section where Jesus is in the desert and is being tempted by the Devil. Then Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and…
Giving Thanks
As you all know, yesterday was Thanksgiving, the day when we as a nation give thanks for all the many blessings our God has bestowed on us. When I was a kid, we used to go around the table before dinner naming one thing that we were thankful for. I think a lot of families…
Friendship and Men With Same-Sex Attractions
One thing that I have noticed about myself since I learned about the root causes of my same-sex attractions is the amount of importance I have placed on forming good friendships with other men. As you may recall from my conversion story, my own personal experience and research has led me to conclude that I…
The D.C. City Council’s So-Called “Religious Freedom” Bill
There is a controversey brewing in the Archdiocese of Washington over a bill currently before the D.C. City Council that would legalize same-sex “marriages” in our nation’s capital. The Archdiocese of Washington is upset because the legislation, known as the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act of 2009, could force Catholic Charities to…
Richard Dawkins and the Catholic Church
Richard Dawkins, the author of “The God Delusion,” wrote a recent blog post in the Washington Post’s OnFaith section about the Vatican’s decision to make it easier for disaffected Anglicans to be received into the Catholic Church. In his post, Dawkins makes a number of serious and incorrect accusations against the Catholic church, including some…
More Trials and Tribulations
Things continue to be very difficult for me in my struggles with chastity. Last night, I gave into my urge to masturbate without much of a fight. It’s a bit frustrating because I’m getting sick of committing and confessing the same sin over and over again. But I guess I’m just getting a little tired…
Yet Another Sign We are Losing Our Religious Freedoms
I just read a disturbing article on about a man in Massachusetts who was fired from his job for telling a female colleague who repeatedly told him about her marriage to another woman that homosexuality was “bad stuff.” According to the company the man worked for, Brookstone, the comment was grounds for termination because…
Faith and Hope
The last several days have been difficult for me in my struggle with chastity. I was feeling very tempted to masturbate on Wednesday night, and I gave into this temptation several times. I also got in touch with a couple of men who I thought may have been interested in having a sexual encounter with…
Last night, the chaplain of the Courage chapter I belong to gave a talk about sloth, which, according to is the “sadness in the face of some spiritual good which one has to achieve,” or kind of a spiritual laziness. (As an aside, Courage is the Catholic Church’s ministry to men and women with…