I’m not really sure what the remedy is for this, other than a fervent prayer for the grace of perseverence. Like all sins, it’s one that is going to take time to overcome.
During my comments last night, I also shared how I felt like I was in a spiritual rut, so to speak. I’m not sure if this goes along with the sloth or inertia that Father was talking about. But I see that there is a cycle in my life that I can’t seem to break free from. I can go several weeks, or maybe even a few months, without masturbating, and eventually I give in because of the tension I feel. This tension comes from a number of sources, but one of the biggest sources is the tension that exists between the desire for a romantic homosexual relationship and the knowledge that I was not made for such a relationship and that a homosexual relationship will never satisfy what my heart is longing for, which is intimacy with Christ and platonic intimacy with other men When I feel this tension, it becomes very easy for me to give into masturbation. I guess the best way for me to break this cycle is to always remember that I will never find what I am looking for in a homosexual relationship, because I see that my desires are really for a savior; someone who can be my constant companion, someone who will love me unconditionally, etc., etc. I’m longing for Jesus Christ. I need to focus on building intimacy with him by staying close to the sacraments and by coming to know him better, particularly through reading of scripture and the lives of the saints.
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