So last night my loneliness got the better of me, and I fell into masturbation and pornography. I really wish that I could learn that my sexuality is not to be used as a drug to alleviate any kind of negative feelings I may be having, including loneliness. But it’s just not sinking in fast enough. I keep repeating the same sins over and over again, usually for the same reason. I need to be patient with myself.
Something interesting has been happnening to me lately that happened again last night: feeling sick to my stomach after masturbating and fantazing about men. I’ve never actually thrown up, but last night I thought that I might because I was so disgusted by the homosexual pornography that I had been looking at. I’m glad that this is disgusting me and that I am feeling physically ill. I think that this is the beginning of a really strong conversion. At least I hope so. I know that my sexuality, which is supposed to be a beautiful life-giving gift for me to give my wife on my wedding night, has been twisted into something ugly and selfish. And I hate that. I know that the only way it’s going to be untwisted is by being chaste, no matter how difficult that may be.
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