Category: Marriage
“My Vocation is Love”
Right now I’m reading “The Story of a Soul” for spiritual reading. It’s about St. Therese of Lisieux, a young woman who lived in France in the late 19th century and became a Carmelite nun at the age of 15. She died from tuberculosis at the age of 24, and was declared a doctor…
Moving Forward With Discernment
Lately I’ve felt drawn to two different vocations: marriage and the priesthood. My attraction to both of these vocations has only grown as I have healed from same-sex attraction and as I have grown in my relationship with the Lord. At the same time, I’ve been wondering when it would be appropriate, given my history…
More Signs of Healing
Over the last several weeks, I have seen more signs of healing in my life. For one, I am really experiencing a fairly strong attraction to women. Thanks be to God! This is a true blessing. Unless you have experienced the cross of homosexuality, you cannot know how difficult it is to have no appropriate…